One Tea House 一茶軒 is an integrity-based local brand with excellent reputation in Hong Kong founded by the professional tea specialist. We have been awarded the "Quality Tourism Service" from the Hong Kong Tourism Board for achieving high standards of product quality and service. With the strong passions for tea and the rich knowledge about the fine culture of tea drinking, We have run the tea business for over 20 years.
In order to promote the Chinese tea culture and lending the impetus to advance the Chinese Tea into a wider international market, we have implemented tight quality control system, high-standard products and services for providing the proper tea knowledge and the latest news to the customers. Besides the individual customers, One Tea House 一茶軒 is also served and sold in luxury 5 stars hotels.
One Tea House 一茶軒 specializes in the highest standard orthodox produced teas and a huge range of tea accessories and tea compliments including widest selections and highest-grade whole leaf teas, tea wares as well as the antique teapots and tea accessories. The Tea House also offers tea classes for increasing the public understanding on different aspects of the Chinese culture of tea making and drinking, including basic information about tea and it's many different types, growing and production methods, brewing tea in various styles, and the alleged health benefits of tea etc.